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Saturday, June 24, 2006

The tragic loss of Lily Peace

I write to you today with a heavy heart. Lily, my pot plant, has finally given up the good fight.

We knew the end was close when her beautiful white blooms, shrivelled up and turned green, but it was a cruel twist of fate on a particularly gusty day that ended her short and glorious life, when she fell from the third floor window sill of my room. She lies now in intensive care, unresponsive to the attempts to revive her, and the physician fears the worst.

We'll never know whether it was a horrible accident or the willful taking of her own life that sent her hurtling to the hard turf beneath the creepers, and that question will surely haunt us all.

Just a short while ago we celebrated the fact that she had pulled through the harsh winter, and that she would live to feel the long-awaited sun on her branches, but it was not to be...

Lily Peace is remember by her faithful owner, Possum.


Anonymous said...

possum needs to demonstrate that she can take care of a pot plant before she will be permitted to own pets of the mammalian variety.


Anonymous said...

that was me, by the way.

Katie Possum said...

I surely cant be blamed if my pot plant is suicidal??! You know how unpredictable angsty teens can be. My previous pot plant lived many happy years with me. So there! :P

Peas on Toast said...

I'm sorry to hear about Lily. Perhaps Lily and my dead marijuana plant Juan will get on like a house on fire in Pot [no pun intended] heaven.

Katie Possum said...

Well... with a surname like Peace, Lily was somewhat fated to be a hippy - I sure her and Juan are hooking up right now (pun intended). :)

TashJoeZA said...

My deepest condolences on your loss. How fragile plant life is. *sniff*