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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Moving on up

I think today marked a change in fortune for me. I had an interview with a temping agency called Office Angels, who signed me up and are currently waiting for my referees to reply, and will then start placing me. They said that if my references come through quickly, they could find me a position as soon as Friday or Monday. Yes please! Who would have thought I'd ever be this keen on temping?!

As a bizarre aside- they make you do a couple of tests to see how you cope with basic temp skills such as Word, typing, numeracy and spelling, and the girl who cant even split a bill without a calculator (me) got 100% on the numeracy part, but only 98% on spelling... I have a English and journalism degree - WTF?! Yes, I'll admit that my life is reasonably dull at the moment if this sparks a reaction from me.

Re: the bar job mentioned in my last post: I went along and did the trial shift and the owner got scarier and scarier! They offered me the position, but I turned them down. I hated doing it, because I was beginning to believe I'd never get a job ever (silly, I know), but I just couldn't commit myself to something that freaked me out so much. I know it sounds kinda "airy fairy", because I cant say what put me off the place or the guy, but I still feel that I made the right decision.

A little bit of bad news: Just got an email from Vincent at the New Media Lab (my lecturer at the Journ dept last year) saying that their web server was stolen. I don't know when or how, but I'm terribly bleak, because the best work I have done so far was hosted from that server, so it's pretty much lost forever. Those websites were also on my cv, as examples of the work I've done and now they're no where to be found.


Claire Hawk said...
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Claire Hawk said...

Yeah, Katie! 'Office Angels'? I like it! :)