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Monday, November 06, 2006

And on a lighter note....

Thank you, thank you, thank you to the glorious Mail & Guardian for making my Monday afternoon seem truly wonderful:

Read here about Shaik's conviction being upheld, and what it means for ol' JZ.

And read here about the Jo'burg City Council Porn Scandal.

Yes, you read that correctly. I said "porn scandal"! Oh, please, please can we have "porngate" or something equally silly for newsreaders to stumble over....


Anonymous said...

Oh crap. Now see that's the last time i buy knickers from during my lunch break.

Katie Possum said...

how bizarre! That's precisely what I was doing on my lunch break yesterday. Except on the high street, not the internet :)

Care to explain the crisis? I dont suppose you typed "girls knickers" into a search engine or anything?