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Monday, October 30, 2006

Two blind hamsters with a flashlight and gps

The clocks changed over this weekend for daylight savings time. So we're now two hours behind South Africa - something you have to remember when your folks hit the sack around nine pm like mine do.

It also means that, while it's reasonably lighter when I head off for work, it's pitch black by the time I leave again to go home (and I walk through a graveyard to get home)!

The best thing about daylight savings is short lived but much appreciated - an extra hour sleep on the day after the clocks change (apparently they change at 2am on the last saturday in October - or something random like that). Anyway, Jono and I thought that this bonus should not be wasted on a Sunday morning, when you can sleep late anyway, and decided to swim upstream, keep our clocks SA-1 on Sunday, and implement the change over to SA-2 on Sunday evening.

This may have been a bold, ambitious plan of amazing-ness, but it is best not implemented by two over-tired Saffas at midnight on a Sunday, with no knowledgable locals around for reference.

First there was the do we gain light in the morning or the evening discussion - this had no reasonable conclusion as both amounted, in our minds, to daylight-saved. Then came the almighty, so if we want time in the morning, do we set our clocks forward or backward? Small gains made here. Then, finally, if we think it's midnight, does the real world (i.e. everyone else) think it is 11pm or 1am?

I know this doesnt sound like rocket science, but as I said we were overtired, and talking ourselves in circles.

All I can say is thank god for Google, and that virtually idiot-proof explanation it spat out. And I got my extra hour sleep.

On that note, check out this great Onion article on daylight savings.


Anonymous said...

I'm decidedly jealous about your extra hour in bed!! I, for my sins, look after grannies to pay for my bad habits and the old duck decided she couldn't bear the thought of staying in bed for an extra hour so she declared that we'd be going to bed an hour later than usual. Bitch.

Anonymous said...

I'm decidedly jealous about your extra hour in bed!! I, for my sins, look after grannies to pay for my bad habits and the old duck decided she couldn't bear the thought of staying in bed for an extra hour so she declared that we'd be going to bed an hour later than usual. Bitch.

Anonymous said...

oops. hit the button too hard methinks! (and i forgot you know what i do for a living) :)

Katie Possum said...

Seriously mean! And how come she has control over your bed time? Or am I fundamentally misunderstanding the nature of your job?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, i'm her bitch. In the most unsexual way possible however.

Katie Possum said...

Am I slow?
Explain please :)

Anonymous said...

A very interesting thing this daylight saving. All it does is confuse the living daylights out of me when I have to try to work out what time it is in NZ when I want to phone my friend!!!

Katie Possum said...

Sorry - I didnt realise that you and Yours Truly were the smae person, hence the confusion :)

Anonymous said...

ah, see i'm such a dork! trying to get all clever and use my login tag for use on my own blog and use TGW elsewhere. I must have suffered a severe blonde moment the other day! My bad. :)

Katie Possum said...

Not a problem. I saw my error quickly. i'm sharp like that ;)