Look, Ma! A real post!
Let’s get straight in there: I haven’t really blogged in ages. Sure I put up a couple of random Youtube videos and a link or two, but it’s been sporadic and impersonal.
My excuse? The last three months (maybe four) have been a time of upheaval for me. I had to prepare to leave the
I returned to
Suddenly, halfway through the second verse of Auld Lang Syne, I found myself living with my in-laws in
I’m a Journalist and New Media Writer for a design and content production company. I really like the role, the people, the bosses, the garden furniture and communal meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
Still, I am not quite on my feet. This is my third week of work, and I’m squatting at a friends’ place, with her boyfriend and mom (just so that I am properly in the way). Jono is looking for work (anyone looking to hire a genius?), and when he knows where he’ll be working, we’ll find a place to live.
So, why am I still blogging since I started in order to chronicle my overseas experiences and now I am back? No idea, truly. I like it. It’s an outlet. I emulate those I admire, etc, etc. I am hoping a purpose for this blog will evolve. Otherwise, I’m open to suggestions…
here's a suggestion:
Join the South African Bloggers Network - http://sabloggers.ning.com
still new, till recruiting.
sign up and hook up!
Hooray! The possum is back online. What a pleasant surprise! If Jono is having difficulty finding a job as a genius, suggest that he act more mediocre. Poor grammer will help.
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